
今天要翻譯的是:薛之謙-紳士         作詞:薛之謙        作曲:薛之謙         編曲:Venk

好久沒見了什麽角色呢   Long time no see, what character?
細心裝扮著  Dressed up nicely
白色襯衫的袖扣是你送的 This white shirt's sleeve button is from you.
盡量表現著像不在意的 Trying to be careless
頻繁暴露了自欺欺人者  But I'm just fooling myself
越掩飾越深刻  More cover, more profound
你說我說聽說 You say, I say, who says
忍著言不由衷的段落 Don't want to talk insecerely
我反正決定自己難過 I've decided to upset myself anyways

我想摸你的頭髮  I want to touch your hair
只是簡單的試探啊 Just a simple test
我想給你個擁抱 I want to give you a hug
像以前一樣可以嗎 Just like what we used to
你退半步的動作認真的嗎 Is it serious that you back off a bit
小小的動作傷害還那麽大 That little move cause so much
我只能扮演個紳士 I can only be a gentleman
才能和你說說話 So I can talk to you
我能送你回家嗎 Can I give you a ride home
可能外面要下雨啦 Looks like it's gonna rain soon
我能給你個擁抱 Can I give you a hug
像朋友一樣可以嗎 Just like a friend would do
我忍不住從背後抱了一下 I can't control myself, I hugged from the back
尺度掌握在不能說想你啊  Just couldn't say I miss you
你就當剛認識的紳士 Please just be like a gentleman you just met
鬧了個笑話吧  Told you a joke

盡量表現著善解人意的  Trying to be understandable
頻繁暴露了不欲人知的 But there's still things they don't know
越掩飾越深刻 More cover, more profound
想說聽說別說 Want to say, who says, don't say
忍著言不由衷的段落 Don't want to talk insencerely
我反正註定留在角落 I'm gonna be at the corner anyways

我想摸你的頭髮 I want to touch your hair
只是簡單的試探啊 Just a simple test
我想給你個擁抱 I want to give you a hug
像以前一樣可以嗎 Just like we used to
你退半步的動作認真的嗎  Is it serious that you back off a bit
小小的動作傷害還那麽大 That little move cause so much
我只能扮演個紳士 I can only be a gentleman
才能和你說說話 So I can talk to you

我能送你回家嗎 Can I give you a ride home
可能外面要下雨啦 Looks like it's gonna rain outside
我能給你個擁抱 Can I give you a hug
像朋友一樣可以嗎 Just like a friend would do
我忍不住從背後抱了一下 I can't control myself, I hugged from the back
尺度掌握在不能說想你啊 Just couldn't say I miss you 
你就當剛認識的紳士 Please be like a gentleman you just met
鬧了個笑話吧 Told you a joke

你能給我只左手 Can you give me your left hand
牽你到馬路那頭嗎 So I can hold on to you and cross the road
我會像以前一樣 I'll be watching the cars
看著來往的車子啊 Just like what I used to
我們的距離在眉間皺了下 Brows frowned just like our distance 
迅速還原成路人的樣子啊 We got back to strangers on the street fast
越有禮貌我越害怕 The more polite i'm more afraid
紳士要放得下 Gentleman knows how to leave it




    創作者 alison0303chen 的頭像


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